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Besucher 23
Geändert 13-May-24
Erstellt 23-May-20

Die "Vogelfreistätte Weihergebiet bei Mohrhof" ist ein ausgedehnter Teichkomplex mit bald 100 Teichen. Das zwischen Poppenwind und Hesselberg gelegene Naturschutzgebiet ist 129 ha groß und Teil einer kleinräumig gegliederten Kulturlandschaft aus Äckern, frischen bis nassen Wiesen, Teichen und Kiefernforsten.

The "bird sanctuary pond area near Mohrhof" is an extensive pond complex with soon 100 ponds. Located between Poppenwind and Hesselberg, the nature reserve covers 129 hectares and is part of a small-scale cultural landscape of fields, fresh to wet meadows, ponds and pine forests.
Mute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyBlack-headed gull in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyRuddy shelduck in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyEgyptian geese in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyEgyptian geese in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyCarrion crow in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyCarrion crow in a bird sanctuary in southern GermanyMute swan in a bird sanctuary in southern Germany

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