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Besucher 3
Geändert 13-May-24
Erstellt 28-Mar-20

Windhoek, deutsch und von 1903 bis 1918 amtlich Windhuk, ist die Hauptstadt Namibias sowie das wirtschaftliche und politische Zentrum des Landes. Die Stadt liegt im Windhoeker Becken, dem annähernd geographischen Mittelpunkt des Landes, eingefasst zwischen den Erosbergen im Osten, den Auasbergen im Süden und dem Khomashochland im Westen und Norden. 1840 wurde Windhoek erstmals urkundlich erwähnt und 1890 als moderne Stadt gegründet. 2011 hatte es 322.500 Einwohner, bei einem jährlichen Bevölkerungszuwachs von etwa 4,5 Prozent.

Windhoek is the capital and largest city of Namibia. It is located in central Namibia in the Khomas Highland plateau area, at around 1,700 metres (5,600 ft) above sea level, almost exactly at the country's geographical centre. The population of Windhoek in 2020 was 431,000 which is growing continually due to an influx from all over Namibia. The city developed at the site of a permanent hot spring known to the indigenous pastoral communities. It developed rapidly after Jonker Afrikaner, Captain of the Orlam, settled here in 1840 and built a stone church for his community. In the decades following, multiple wars and armed hostilities resulted in the neglect and destruction of the new settlement. Windhoek was founded a second time in 1890 by Imperial German Army Major Curt von François, when the territory was colonised by the German Empire.
Landscape in the Khomas highlands in NamibiaLandscape in the Khomas highlands in NamibiaLandscape in the Khomas highlands in NamibiaLandscape in the Khomas highlands in NamibiaLocal people with horse cartLocal people with horse cartLocal people with horse cartLandscape in the Khomas highlands in NamibiaThe National Museum in Namibia's capital, WindhoekThe famous Christ Church in Namibia's capital WindhoekThe famous Christ Church in Namibia's capital WindhoekThe famous Christ Church in Namibia's capital WindhoekThe old German fortress in Namibia's capital WindhoekThe old German fortress in Namibia's capital WindhoekSign with a note that no weapons are allowedThe famous Christ Church in Namibia's capital WindhoekSkyline of Namibia's capital Windhoek with a cloudy skySkyline of Namibia's capital Windhoek with a cloudy skySkyline of Namibia's capital Windhoek with a cloudy skySkyline of Namibia's capital Windhoek with a cloudy sky

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